Went for interview with Dept Defence at their assessment centre today for 6 hrs, phewww..
I had no real dramas with the whole process but could feel the vibe that they were tryin to get the best uni graduates for their professional jobs in Canberra. Cross your toes for me.
BTW don't think anyone would hav recognised me as i had on full business outfit including tie!
Couldn't wait to get it all off and back into the shorts and tshirt n thongs getup....:)
Been back in Adelaide for the last week hangin around the glenelg area at the beach.
Before that I was up in the Flinders Ranges (great place to visit) for 2 weeks climbing mountains and bushwalking etc and hangin with a crazy french tourist chick, for 5 days!!! Hi Laetitia..
On Wednesday i fly to sunshine coast for 6 days, got a cheap flight, then back to Adelaide, Then the road trip continues north into the outback. Yeahhh.
Will get some pics of flinders ranges on when i get motivated soon hopefully....