Thursday, 26 September 2013

Hey back today to Broken Hill after spending 4 days at Mutawintji Nat Park 130 k's morth east of here.

What a contrast with this Nat Park which is very dry and dusty with the odd creek waterhole compared to Menindee Lakes the previous week which had water everywhere including the Darling river.

Here are some pics of Mutawintji NP.  Don't ask me to pronounce it to you!

Mutawintji Gorge

Decided to climb up the left hand side of the gorge to get a better view

On the western view, hill escarpment walk

Mid arvo got a cupla spots of rain, dried off quickly

A bit later the sun tryin to break through so I can get some decent pics!

You can see where the large boulders have broken away from the hill.

Note the red dirt of the outback. Click on pic to get a fullscreen view

About half an hour before sunset it got really hazy (rare in the outback) in the west, another 5 minutes later the sun disapeared in the haze

At 7am walking along Homestead creek


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