Monday, 7 October 2013

The following are Pictures from the Paroo Darling NP.

Peery Lake which fills from Paroo river flooding.  The Paroo river comes down from Qld.

Prolific waterbirds on the lake.  Blowin a gale while I was there so no kayaking

Budgies near lake edge

Exploring down a remote track in the park... There were no tyre tracks so no one had been along it for a fair while. Funny thing happened along this track.  When I went in All the kangaroos on the right ran across in front of the van to the left instead of stayin where they were.  Then when I drove back next morning all the roos on the left ran across in front of the van to the right side.  So both times they seeked refuge on the same side.  Figure that out??

Sacred Kingfisher came for a visit and a hi at Darling river camp

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Camping along the Darling river in the NPark. The river is quite low with high curved embankments.  It was funny watchin some emus slipsliding down the steep bank to get a drink, but they had no problems gettin back up


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