Wednesday 19 June 2013

These pics are of the StMarys peak 1170m highest mountain walk at Wilpena pound in the Flinders Ranges NP.Thats the peak on the right. 7.5k's to the top. The flat bit in the middle was 6k's.  Then when u come back to the flat bit you climb down the inside through to the floor of the Wilpena pound and back, another 14 ks. Click to zoom in

A lot of going up was actual rockclimbing over large ledges, thankfully the blue markers  kept me from gettin lost

Lookin back to the start. The bare patch in the middle is the airfield, started hike on the right.
Big granite about 1k from top
Very large grasstrees near the top. Can only presume no fire has got up this high
View inside Wilpena pound on other side of the top. Walked back 14 ks thru here
At the top of StMarys peak 1170m, nice pic Laetitia. Last pic before the rain set in.  We were wet thru by the end at about 5pm. Lucky there was a hot shower to warm up.


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