Wednesday 20 February 2013

Latest is the injection pump will be back here first thing in the morning, the radiator came back this arvo as well.  So it all gets put back together tomorrow hopefully ok and I can go back to Sydney stay with friends for a bit.

Very social here after 4 pm each day. 5 staff plus other dudes droppin in sittin around chattin etc. till 6 - 7 pm each evening.  Thats the country for ya..  Owner stayed here tonite till 8.30 so I had a good chat alone for about an hour about his business and changes he is gettin done once he heard I was an accounting  graduate...

Took a drive up to Shell Harbour in borrowed car today.. Was going to try a well known diving and snorkel area but ran out of time..Went for a walk locally around coastline across local headlands and beaches.  One of the workers took me up a local mountain to see coastal view as well.

Kiama has 2 natural blowholes in the coastal rocks.  I walked past the little blowhole.  See pics and Video upload.

Little blowhole, Kiama
Fine mist, Little blowhole, Kiama


Suzanne said...

Hope the silver flash is back on the road, sounds like you have slotted right in at Kiama. Lovely photos and great weather.

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