Friday 27 September 2013

Tomorrow I am leaving Broken Hill for the last time, heading north to Tibooburra at the top left of NSW near Cameron Corner where the 3 states of NSW/SA/Qld meet.  There is a large Nat Park called Sturt NP there, went through there last year on mid year trip.

After I finish there will be heading southwest to the Paroo/Darling Nat Park on the Paroo and Darling rivers around the White Cliffs and Wilcannia area.  Should be some good kayaking opportunities there. 

From there will be going south further back to the Menindee Lakes/Kinchega NP where I visited 2 weeks ago.  I really liked all that water!  Good for kayaking and cooling off in the hot weather.

Next will be going to the Mungo Nat Park further south which is about 100 k's north west of Mildura.

Should be all good with interesting changes of landscapes and flora and fauna.

Well not sure when the next opportunity to put a post on here so catcha later.

P.S  Oh yeah I havn't put up the Pictures from the Oodnadatta track and Witjira NP and across to Coober Pedy in Sth AUS yet, so will have to get around to it for your viewing pleasure.


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