Tuesday 12 November 2013

Hi from Victoria & Melbourne.

Time to head north from here.  Hope to be back home for xmas day, then some further trippin in January to end the gap year trip!

Over the next month and a bit I will be doing the usual hopping between Nat Parks in Vic, NSW & then some kayaking along the NSW coast north of Newcastle to Qld.  Exciting trip I hear you say, definitely right there!  Have done approx 23,000 k's so far.  The silver flash van is still goin ok albeit with a few ailments.

I will do another post when I have sufficient pictures 4 your viewing pleasure.  The weather here has been mostly under 20 each day with the odd day over 20 including rainy days & some chilly nights.  A lot different than the current warmer weather up north...!


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