Friday 29 November 2013

Pictures around the Thredbo, Perisher valley and Mt Kosciuszko areas,  which are all snow resort areas.

View of western side of mountain ranges

The Cascades near Thredbo resort. Waited a bit here for light rain to go away so I could go walking

On a walk from the Cascades

From the cascade walk. Possibly Mt Kosciuszko

Camping on a river in the Perisher valley

Wally came for a visit by the river

Between Perisher and Charlotte pass

View from Charlotte pass

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On start of 20klm loop walk to Mt Kosciuszko summit (9k's to the summit) and surrounding mountains. Approx 1800 mtrs up here.

Hey found the start of the Snowy river which I passed in March down on the Vic coast

Seamans Hut (2030mtrs up) Lots of Police here + a westpac helicopter searching for a missing canadian hiker from May this year.

One of about 8 snow drifts over the track I had to walk across, slippery stuff!

Mt Kosciuszko summit.  (2228mtrs high) It was busy as Bourke St up there. School & Uni groups etc everywhere.

The rest of the pictures are of a further 12 k's across adjacent mountains back to Charlotte Pass

See the track line below and above the snow

Mountain Lake looking west

Another snow drift to walk over.
Popular 'Blue Lake' .  Click on the pic to get a better view


mergy dude said...

Hey wild bushy dude you take really great pics, keep em comin!!!

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